Fighting Chronic Pain with the Neubie
Garrett Salpeter is the Founder of NeuFit, which developed the product Neubie, a fantastic advancement in fighting chronic health.
What is the Neubie?
Neubie is an acronym for neuro-bio-electric stimulator. It's a direct current stimulation device that's different from any other electric modality device on the market. Direct current benefits include an electric field gradient which causes cells to move in a way that helps the healing process for bone, muscle tissue and nerves. Direct current also benefits short-term functional neurological changes to improve the way the body moves and improve function overall.
What happens during a Neubie session that reduces pain?
Pain is a response to perceived threat and it's created by the brain. The onset of pain is the brain's way of changing our behavior in some way. Chronic pain can be worse on some days due to psychological stressors. The Neubie can be used globally to down-regulate the perception of threat and help the body relax, which helps with chronic pain. Locally, a scan can uncover the hyper-sensitivity or perception of threat in the body and stimulate those areas to re-educate the brain.
How does a patient interested in trying a Neubie locate one?
Most devices are in physical therapy, chiropractic and wellness clinics. Visit the NeuFit website to find a provider near you. Neubie devices are also available for personal, in-home use.
What is a Neubie experience like?
An electrode will be scanned over the area, which will feel more intense over an area of dysfunction. The pads will be placed on the body and you'll work through a series of exercises and creating movement as the nervous system and brain is re-educated. A session will typically last the length of the normal physical therapy or chiropractic visit.
Why should the mitochondrial community consider Neubie treatment?
It's low-risk, non-invasive and won't have side effects like medications. Most people will notice progress right away, so you'll know fairly quickly if it's a treatment that can potentially help you.
NeuFit Website
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