Good Grief and the Holidays
Lisa Athan is the Founder and Executive Director of Griefspeaks. She shares tips and strategies for navigating grief through the holidays and beyond.
What tools can help someone to get through holidays without someone they've lost?
Have an exit strategy at gatherings and know it's okay to decline invitations to holiday events. Ensure you have options for yourself and give yourself permission to exercise your options. Record voice recordings to yourself saying whatever it is you need to hear in difficult moments. Think ahead to protect yourself by practicing lines to say to people. This will help you navigate being approached with questions or small talk when you're not in a place to discuss your grief. Make a list of the people, places and activities that make you feel a sense of strength.
During the holidays, in what ways can people share memories and honor someone they've lost?
It's important to talk about the person you've lost and to let friends and family know it's okay to say their name and share stories. You can put a memory stocking or wreath up for the person and have friends and family share memories when they visit. Everyone processes grief differently and when it comes to family, it's important to talk about that.
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